Jingyuan Faquan Temple

Faquan Temple is located along side the No.109 national road, 70 kilometers from Baiyin City. Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism are integrated in this very one temple. What impresses the tourists is the combination of the architecture, statues, gardens, literature and art in the temple.

The total area of Faquan Temple scenery area is 3.86 square kilometres. The building area of this temple is 5,200 square meters. The temple is composed of north part and south part. Built on the slope of a cliff, it looks very majestic. There are more than 60 grotto palaces, such as Gate to the Monastery, the Honorific Arch over the gateway, Kumbu Stupa, Hall of Five Hundred Arhats, Jade Emperor Cave, Queen Mother Palace, Eight Immortals’ Palace, Chamber of Cultural Prosperity, Tianfeng Pagoda and Kuixing Tower. The temple is regarded by Buddhists as a good place for self cultivation and spiritual improvement. It has been renowned as “Faquan, where the Holy spirits impart truth and exert power". Pengze, minister of Military Ministry of the Ming Dynasty, studied in this place. In modern times, Zhang Daqian, Yu Youren, Heyu and some other cultural celebrities visited the ancient temple and left here with their own calligraphy.

There are three springs named “Longgu" “Mochi" and “Yueya". Famen Temple of Shaanxi Province is honored to be the upper house in Northwest China, and Faquan Temple humbly labels itself the lower house. From “Famen" and “Qingquan (clear springs)", the initial character in the former and the second character of the latter thus make up the name “Faquan Temple". It was built in the Northern Wei Dynasty and prospered in the Tang and Song Dynasties. In each succeeding dynasty, the rehabilitation and rebuilding works never ceased. In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, General Yuchi Jingde reconstructed Faquan Temple. In the fifth year under the reign of Emperor Chongning in the Song Dynasty (1106), the emperor approved Faquan Temple to be the Upper Zen Temple and Jingyun Temple of Xi’an the Lower Zen Temple. Suffering several turmoils of war, the temple was renovated and expanded in 1988. Today the buildings are preserved well. In the 1960s, the national first-class cultural relics Si Ku Quan Shu (the Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature) was kept here. The Event of “Buddha’s Birthday" is held here on every April 8th of the lunar calendar. And there is a dharma assembly on Ghost Festival, July 15th of the lunar calendar.

Travel Tips
Add: Daba Village, Dongwan Township, Jingyuan County, Baiyin City, Gansu Province
Entrance Fee: CNY 50
Opening Hours: 08:00-18:00
Tel: 0943-6250198

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