Huaihua Climate Weather

Huaihua City belongs to the mid-subtropical monsoon climate zone. With four distinct seasons, it has no severe cold in winter, no extreme heat in summer. There is abundant light,  heat resources, and  abundant rainfall. The city's annual average temperature is 16.4 ° C. January is the coldest, with an average temperature of 4.7 to 5.3 ° C, the lowest temperature is about -5 ° C. July is the hottest, with an average monthly temperature of 28.5 ° C and a maximum temperature of about 39 ° C. The average annual frost-free period is 287 days.

Huaihua Weather In Spring
Spring is in a zone where the warm and humid air in the south intersects with the dry and cold air in the north. The temperature rises sharply, the spring rains continuously, and the temperature is low. The weather in spring in Huaihua is pleasant. In spring, all the flowers on mountains blossom and mountains are luxuriantly green. The voices of kingfishers accompanied with the tinges of mountain make you feel relaxed.
The phot taken in March,2018 to show the beautiful rape blossoms of Tianwan Town in Huaihua City's Chenxi County.

Huaihua Weather in Summer
 The summer is under the control and influence of the western Pacific subtropical high. The weather is hot and hot. In summer, the temperature in Huaihu is comfortable. It is an ideal summer resort for you. Although It usually rains in June and July.In general, the rainfall is plentiful and the sunlight is not so much, so it is usually humid and not very hot. What’s more, the sunlight, the heat and the rainfall will come together in most time.

Huaihua  Weather in Autumn
The autumn is hot and humid, and the temperature and humidity are pleasant. Most people think October in autumn are one of the best months to go traveling in Huaihua. Visitors can have a drift in the splendid season.There will be many visitors during the National Day between Oct. 1st to Oct. 7th every year. If you go to Huaihua in this time, you’d better reserve a room in advance, or Just avoid going to Hongjiang Ancient Town during China Nantional Holiday.

Huaihua Weather in Winter
In winter, the invasion of strong cold air often forms snow and ice weather, but the amount is very small, and continuous snowfall can melt in two or three days. Winter in Huaihua is not very cold. In winter, if you are fortunate enough to come across the snow, you will see the different beauty of  Huaihua .Visitors marvel at the vibrant evergreen trees among the snowy landscape.

However, Huaihua has a subtropical, humid, monsoon climate featuring rich rainfall and moderate weather all the year around.  Huaihua can be visited at any time during the year and is at its best in spring, summer and autumn.

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