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Gansu Climate & Weather

Plan your Gansu Tour? Let’s take a look at the weather condition here in Gansu province. 

Gansu Province is located between the main climatic region intermediate belt, the weather pattern is extremely complex.Gansu has a temperate monsoonal climate with the marked transitional characteristics of a continental climate. It has a mean annual temperature of 9 C -- the hottest month, July, averaging 20-24 C and the coldest month, January, -12-2 C -- and a mean annual precipitation of 50-500 mm, decreasing from east to west.

The Gansu Corridor and the Beishan Mountains region’s temperature differs greatly. Temperature during the day varies widely, and there is a saying goes like this; you have to put on the fur-lined coat in the morning while wear only a thin shirt at noon .

The Gansu region is broad, the weather pattern is diverse, and the species are rich. It has the advantage of developing diversified management and agriculture. The entire province has a farmland of 74,850,000 Chinese acres,  which is the sixth largest in China. Gansu is one of five big pastoral regions with a prairie area of 249,000,000 Chinese acres. The sunshine is long and the diurnal temperature difference is great which contributes to high production and high quality agriculture

Gansu is a historical, glorious multi-cultural province, and has a rich cultural heritage highlighted by the style of its unique natural landscape and the colorful provincial character and style. The ancient Silk Road extends more than 1600 kilometers, and it is known as the famous “gold traveling line”.

The entire province had discovered more than 10,700 cultural relic spots, among them, 43 are state-level cultural relic preservations, and 446 are provincial level cultural relic preservations. Dunhuang Mogao Caves has been listed by the United Nations UNESCO as world culture inheritances. What’s more, Maiji rock cave was named as “the Eastern sculpture hall”. The desert scenery, the prairie glacier and the provincial character and style and so on also enjoy a good reputation everywhere by its unique charm.

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