Hu Xueyan 胡雪岩

Hu Xueyan (1823-1885), was born in Jixi County, Huizhou Prefecture of Anhui Province in 1823 ( Qing Dyansty 1645-1911). He moved to Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province at the age of 13. Hu Xueyan was praised as a famous businessman, politician and representative of Huizhou merchants in modern China.

Hu XueyanIn the 11th year of Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty (1861), when the Taiping army attacked Hangzhou, Hu Xueyan appreciated the famous general Zuo Zongtang from the maritime arms with the grain and rice. And he later helped Zuo Zongtang to organize the "Changjie Army" and founded the Fuzhou ship. Political situation. When Zuo Zongtang Xi Zhengping rebelled with Agubo, he presided over the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Transportation and Transportation, and borrowed 5 foreign funds in Shanghai, up to 11.95 million yuan. He was used for military squadrons, ordered arms, and did intelligence work. Important news from all walks of life reports Zuo Zongtang. When it is popular, the official residence is second-class and enjoys the yellow horse.
Hu Xueyan, with his excellent business abilities, used the official silver of the company to set up a private money house in Shanghai, and then set up the “Zikang” Qianzhuang semicolon throughout the country, known as the “living God of wealth”. In Hangzhou, the “Huqing Yutang” Chinese medicine shop was established. The system of “avoiding Dan”, “Jingjun San” and “Babao Dan” was needed for the military and civilians. The pharmacy has been passed down to the present and won the reputation of “Jiangnan Yaowang”.
In the 9th year of Guangxu Emperor Guangxu (1883), his industry was forced to withdraw funds and extort money by local bureaucrats, causing capital turnover failures, being squeezed by foreign businessmen, and forced to sell, and assets to go half. In the end, Hu Xueyan was dismissed from the house to investigate the property, and ended in depression.

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