How about Zhangjiajie Weather and Climate?

How about Zhangjiajie Weather and Climate? Which month is the best to visit Zhangjiajie? A lot of tourists who will pay attention to the weather in Zhangjiajie before they plan their trip. It is a normal and necessary for anyone to start Zhangjiajie Holiday.

Situated in the Wuling Mountainous area in north-west of Hunan Province,south of Yangtze River. Zhangjiajie is also located in the north mid-latitude and belongs to the prototypical monsoon humid climate of the mid-subtropical mountains.

Averages for Zhangjiajie Weather 
In Zhangjiajie,  the rainfall is abundant (the average annual precipitation is 1400 mm), the sunshine is sufficient, the frost-free period is long, the cold period is short, and the annual average temperature is about 16 °C. The hottest month in summer is 27°C, and the coldest month in winter is 4.3°C (the coldest in January, the extreme temperature is around 0°C to 4°C). This climate is not only suitable for animal reproduction and plant growth, but also suitable for sightseeing.

Best time to visit Zhangjiajie
April to June is the best time to go, when the climate is mild with flowers in full blossom and trees all in green. Traveling to Zhangjiajie in September through November is also great. During this time, you can see the scenery, view maples on the mountains and enjoy abundant fruits.

Visit Zhangjiajie in Winter

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